Even if your business is exempt from the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you might still have to participate in the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML). FMLA provides certain employees with unpaid protected leave for specific family or medical-related reasons. PFML, on the other hand, provides paid protected leave to workers for family and medical-related reasons (similar to those covered by FMLA). To know more about paid FMLA in Connecticut, contact DBL Center Ltd today!
Difference Between PFML & FMLA
Because the benefits look quite similar, people often confuse PFML with FMLA. However, the two laws are very different from each other, especially when it comes to who and what they cover. First of all, FMLA is a federal law as opposed to the state-offered PFML and only applies to employers with over 75 employees. PFML applies to all employers regardless of the size of their workforce. If we talk about Connecticut in particular, PFML requires employers to provide paid leave for reasons covered under the existing Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act (CTFMLA). The PFMLA covers all private employers including those with just as few as one employee.
PFML Law — Contribution Guidelines in Connecticut
The Connecticut PFML law does not require employers to contribute towards the program. State government employees who belong to unions are also exempt. However, employers are responsible for withholding the payroll deductions for each employee and submitting the funds quarterly to the CT Paid Leave Authority. An employer’s failure to submit the contributions may result in an assessment of penalties in addition to the required withholdings. No matter the size of the workforce, you will always be responsible for withholding the covered individual share.
Coming to family leaves, all employers can withhold the entire family leave contribution from their covered individuals but it’s up to them to set the withholding rates for their workforce. Using an online contribution calculator, you can determine whether you’re required to pay the employer share and estimate how much must be withheld from wages based on your workforce and payroll.
Go for a Private Plan to Get the Most Out of Your Coverage
Though PFML is underwritten and paid by the state of Connecticut, employers can go for a private plan. This provides you with a variety of benefits, such as faster underwriting, better service, lower premiums, and more savings. Offering better benefits to your employees can also help in improving employee retention.
Depending on their preference, employers in Connecticut can use FMLA as a stand-alone benefit or bundle it with ancillary benefits, including dental, vision, and group life insurance — to save more money. The latter option also offers you access to a wide range of insurance carriers, allowing you to choose the best plan for yourself.
Looking for private plans, fast and flexible payouts, and great discounts on PFML benefits? Let DBL Center Ltd write your Paid Family and Medical Leave plan in Connecticut! Give us a call today!