Last September, The DBL Center launched the Broker Dashboard: Net Revenue Tracker app in the Apple store for iPhone users. Today, we are proud to announce that our time-saving, revenue-driving app is now available for Android users through the Google Play store. Simply search “Broker Dashboard” or “DBL Center” in the Play store on any Samsung, Motorola, or other Android-powered mobile device to find the app that has disrupted the statutory insurance and Paid Family Leave industry. Our Broker Dashboard enables insurance brokers to track renewals, cancellations, and commissions from any internet-enabled device – in the office, at home, or on the road.
The five-star rated app in the App store has been downloaded thousands of times by DBL Center’s vast network of statutory insurance brokers. The app is a complement to our cloud-based software our brokers have been using for years to provide better customer service, deliver automatic renewal notices, and stay on top of cancellations.
Broker Dashboard: Net Revenue Tracker App for Android
Offering all the functionality of the Broker Dashboard desktop application, the Broker Dashboard app for Android devices puts the capability to track renewals, cancellations, and commissions at your fingertips.
Research from benefits consulting firm Willis Towers Watson shows that 57% of employees still work from home amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Their research shows that number should drop to about 40% by the end of the year, which is still a substantial number. The work-from-home revolution is here and apps like Broker Dashboard make it easier for brokers to gain even more flexibility when they work remotely.
Stay up-to-date on cancellations and renewals from your home office, from your local coffee house, or even in line while running errands. Having this collection of data at your fingertips makes it easy to spot profit opportunities and increase commissions while delivering even higher levels of service to your clients. You’ll have the information your customers need when they need it, which can help you build trust and earn loyalty for more return business and easy, automatic renewals.
Hear It From Our Brokers
In addition to giving brokers access to critical information on-demand through our app, DBL Center also generates a monthly list of renewals and cancellations for our clients. When we send this list, we often get positive feedback from our brokers about this service and about the Broker Dashboard in general:
Anthony Villani, Managing Director at Avanti Associates, said, “Thanks for providing this list, this is very helpful. We do a lot hand-holding with insureds on these renewal audits and are presently working on these accounts, I am pretty sure will be saving most of them and this list facilitates our process.”
Barbara Abbondondolo of Montana Agency called our Broker Dashboard “very helpful” and “very easy to use.”
Cindy Stella of Standard Security Life Insurance Company of NY commented, “This is so awesome!!!! Very impressive!”
That’s just a sampling of what some of our brokers say about the Broker Dashboard and the reports we generate for them. Of course, you can access the app any time from your computer, Android or iOS mobile device to view cancellations, reinstatements, and renewals.
Are You Using Broker Dashboard Yet?
The DBL Center has been on the cutting edge of technology in the statutory insurance industry for years, delivering our brokers the tools and information they need to earn more money in less time.
From our blog and YouTube channel to our Paid Family & Medical Leave Resource Center, the media we create is focused on keeping our brokers informed about changing news in a fast-paced world. We believe that knowledge is the key to success and you can stay ahead of the competition by staying informed.
Watch the video to see how your exclusive Broker Dashboard app, now available for Android and iOS, can help you keep more of what you earn. Then reach out so we can help you get set up with your own cloud-based Broker Dashboard account.