Which states have been naughty and which ones have been nice? Here’s what insurance brokers need to know going into 2025.
Breaking news: The DBL Center has heard from inside sources that the state of New York will receive a hefty helping of coal in its stocking – and nothing more –from Santa Claus this year.
The New York State Insurance Fund has not increased NYS Disability Benefit rates since 1989.
Santa knows better than anyone the pain of inflation. The town of North Pole, Alaska, which could be Santa’s year-round residence, has a cost of living roughly 14% higher than the U.S. average, according to data from the Economic Research Institute.
But if the legends are true and Santa’s massive toy-building and distribution headquarters are actually in the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest territories, his cost of living may be slightly lower.
Either way, if Santa ever had to claim disability benefits in New York, the state maximum benefit of $170 per week would not make a dent in replacing his $178,620 annual salary, as reported by Insure.com.
Earlier this year, The DBL Center reported hopeful news that NYS might increase DBL benefits to reflect reasonable wage replacement. Alas, the legislation failed. That’s why, once again, New York State legislators will wake up to coal in their stockings Christmas morning.
But, more importantly, which states made the Nice List this year? Let’s look at the states that have increased or introduced new benefits for family and medical leave in 2024.
States on The DBL Center’s Nice List
DBL Center brokers can spread holiday cheer throughout the New Year by showing their clients how to save money with private Paid Family and Medical Leave plans in the following states. We’ve compiled this data so you can start making your own list of ways to increase commissions in 2025.
A leader in paid family and medical leave, Connecticut remains on The DBL Center’s nice list, once again. The state has provided Paid Family & Medical Leave Benefits since 2022. Connecticut hasn’t increased the maximum premium contribution, but, because the state is increasing its minimum wage from $15.69 to $16.35 in 2025, the maximum weekly benefit for PFML will rise from $941.40 up to $981 in 2025. Private plans are available, which means brokers can help their clients save money and roll that savings into ancillary benefits.
Colorado launched its Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program in 2024, putting the state on The DBL Center’s nice list this year. The state pays a maximum weekly benefit of $1,100. This benefit is adjusted annually based on the state’s average weekly wage. Learn more about Paid Leave in Colorado in our resource center.
Massachusetts remains on our Nice list for rolling out one of the most robust PFML programs back in 2021. The state is increasing the maximum benefit for 2025, up to $1,170.64 per week from $1,149.90, based on the state’s average weekly wage.
Maryland earns a spot on our Nice list for implementing a paid family and medical leave program in July 2026. It’s not too soon for brokers to start thinking about profit opportunities in the state. Employers who privatize these benefits will not have to pay premiums in July 2025, which those on the state plan will.
Delaware also earns an honorable mention on our “nice” list, even though the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave laws won’t go into effect until January 2026. Payroll deductions for the state plan begin January 2025, so now’s the time for brokers to show their clients the advantages of privatizing Delaware PFML. Premiums for private plans won’t be due until January 2026, resulting in tremendous cost savings.
Minnesota announced plans to roll out paid family and medical leave in January 2026. Stay tuned to The DBL Center’s paid family leave resource center as more details become available.
Maine makes its way onto The DBL Center’s Nice List just in the nick of time, as the Department of Labor adopted finalized rules for the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program on December 4, 2024. Employers will have the option of a private plan. Payroll contributions for state-funded plans will begin January 1, 2025 Insurance brokers in the state should start educating their clients on the benefits of a private plan now.
Oregon remains on our Nice list, with a maximum weekly benefit of $1,568.60. The premium rate for 2025 remains at 1%, and there is no waiting period to receive benefits.
New Jersey
New Jersey announced a small increase in the maximum weekly benefit for temporary disability insurance (TDI), from $1055 to $1081, earning the state a spot on our Nice list. The state also announced a premium increase for Family Leave Insurance. This offers brokers the opportunity to help New Jersey workers and business owners save money by privatizing TDI and FLI.
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