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Disability Insurance

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In New York, New Jersey, and Hawaii, it is mandatory for all employers to carry short term state disability insurance for their employees. The cost and weekly benefit amounts vary by state, as do employers’ options for purchasing this insurance.

As an insurance agent, you can offer your clients in New York coverage through New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) disability and their employees will receive the minimum required amount of benefits. You may also choose to offer business owners in Hawaii and New Jersey the option of purchasing their temporary disability insurance (TDI) or temporary disability benefits insurance (TDB) from their respective states.

What many insurance agents – and the business owners they service — don’t know is that they can save their customers money and offer enhanced benefits by purchasing state disability insurance through a private carrier – and get compensated for it.

Privatized disability insurance pays commissions, while the state funds do not.

That’s right – this is a huge segment of business you are missing out on if you don’t show your customers the benefits of enriched Disability Benefits Law coverage, Temporary Disability Insurance or Temporary Disability Benefits.

Is $170 a Week Enough for Anyone To Live On? The State of New York Thinks So!

The state minimum coverage per employee in New York remains at rates set in 1989. That means temporarily disabled employees and employees on maternity leave receive just $170 / week from NYSIF disability. In the event of a catastrophic illness or injury, what employee could live on that without some form of supplemental coverage? A mother on maternity leave could spend almost that much on diapers and formula. Employees need more than that if they are unable to work for a short time due to illness, injury or childbirth, and employers will improve morale, retention, and long-term productivity by providing it.

It’s as simple as this: In today’s competitive employment environment, if business owners want to attract top talent in any sector, they have to offer their employees more – more coverage, more options, and more security. As their insurance agent of choice, you are in a unique position to offer that enhanced coverage and multi-line discounts on other insurance products that are crucial for business continuity and their employees’ peace-of-mind.

Enhanced Benefits, Competitive Rates and White-Glove Service

As a top insurance agent, when you purchase your NY DBL disability benefits law insurance, Hawaii temporary disability insurance, or New Jersey temporary disability benefits from, you can not only offer your clients competitive rates and earn top commissions for yourself, you’ll experience a whole new level of service.

The DBL Center Ltd. manages and maintains your small business and corporate clients, while you remain the owner of the insurance policy. Your company name and insurance company code number is on every application, and you remain in the loop about your client’s policies so you can serve your customers better.

Meanwhile, The DBL Center Ltd. remains committed to providing you and your clients with a white-glove experience as your back-office support staff. When you purchase insurance from us your clients enjoy the options of filing and tracking claims online, choosing the form-of-payment (check or debit card) for temporary disability income, and choosing the pay schedule to more closely mirror the pay schedule for on-the-job employees, so collecting disability is less of a shock to the budgets of employees. Most importantly, with enriched DBL, Temporary Disability Benefits (TDB), or Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI), employers can offer more than the state minimum for disability insurance. This has been shown to help foster employee loyalty, increase company morale, and aid in recruiting efforts.

In New York, choose from our list of elite, A.M. Best rated insurance carriers for DBL coverage. CLICK HERE for a quick quote.

In New Jersey or Hawaii contact us now for your binding quick quote for temporary disability benefits (NJ) or temporary disability insurance (Hawaii).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_height_percent=”35″ override_padding=”yes” h_padding=”2″ top_padding=”4″ bottom_padding=”4″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ shift_y=”0″][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_icon position=”left” icon=”fa fa-area-chart” icon_color=”color-nhtu” size=”fa-3x” heading_semantic=”h6″ text_size=”h6″ text_font=”font-762333″ title=”Enriched DBL ” link=”||”]Offer your clients more choices and better employee benefits with enhanced disability insurance in New York.[/vc_icon][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_icon position=”left” icon=”fa fa-bar-chart” icon_color=”color-nhtu” size=”fa-3x” heading_semantic=”h6″ text_size=”h6″ text_font=”font-762333″ title=”New York Disability Benefits Law (NY DBL) ” link=”||”]Experience the white-glove service of The DBL Center Ltd.[/vc_icon][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_icon position=”left” icon=”fa fa-line-chart” icon_color=”color-nhtu” size=”fa-3x” heading_semantic=”h6″ text_size=”h6″ text_font=”font-762333″ title=”NJ Temporary Disability Benefits (NJ TDB)” link=”||”]It’s easy to offer New Jersey businesses customized benefits and personalized service.[/vc_icon][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_icon position=”left” icon=”fa fa-chart-line” icon_color=”color-nhtu” size=”fa-3x” heading_semantic=”h6″ text_size=”h6″ text_font=”font-762333″ title=”Temporary Disability Insurance” link=”||”]Hawaii – Earn more commission with enhanced employee benefits packages in Hawaii[/vc_icon][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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