Site icon The DBL Center – Insurance Wholesaler

Why Choose Us

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Why Choose The DBL Center Ltd.?

A licensed wholesale insurance organization since 1976, authorized to sell insurance in all 50 states, including New York, New Jersey, and Hawaii, the DBL Center Ltd. focuses on delivering competitive rates and white-glove service to more than 4000 insurance agents across 15 states.

Fast-and-Easy Quote Process

As a wholesale insurance seller, we make it easy for our insurance agents to increase their commissions and write more policies faster using our online application. Simply open our binding rates quote chart, select a carrier, fill out the appropriate fields and submit your application. Your binding rate will be sent to you electronically in minutes, while a copy will also be sent to our office. This system of checks and balances guarantees your policy was bound, with no hassles and no delays.

You can easily compare and bind rates across carriers to ensure you are getting the best deal for each of your corporate or small business clients. We can bind policies of as few as one person and as many as 50 online in minutes.

For larger employee benefits packages, group disability insurance in companies with more than 50 employees, or ancillary benefits that include Long Term Disability insurance, Group Life AD&D, vision and dental insurance, simply contact our office [link] and a friendly representative will help you find the best rates for your customers.

White-label, White-glove Service

After you’ve purchased your policies for TDB (NJ), DBL (NY) or TDI (Hawaii) insurance, our wholesale insurance team maintains and manages the policies, while you retain full ownership of the policy and your corporate or small business clients.

When you purchase wholesale insurance through other general insurance agencies, your customers may not associate their benefits packages with your firm. There is no loyalty and no personal relationships – your company name and code number won’t be on the application and the insurance carrier won’t recognize you as owner of the policy. Even worse, you won’t receive any information about the policies you purchase for your customers.

At DBL Center Ltd., we offer wholesale  service in a white-label capacity. That means we manage and maintain your policies as your full-service, back-office support staff. But you maintain full ownership of the business you bring in to your firm. Your insurance agency name is on every application, as well as your insurance company code number. You own the policies, and the insurance companies pay your agency commissions directly to you. Meanwhile, you get the advantages of our wholesale insurance rates, our well-established industry relationships, and our personalized, white-glove service.

This allows you to maintain complete control of your business and ownership of your clients and their policies, while we do all the work necessary to manage the accounts. Simply relax and do what you do best: spend your time selling more insurance to keep those commission checks rolling in.

Wholesale Insurance: Affordable Rates and Multi-line Discounts for Larger Commissions

At DBL Center Ltd., disability insurance is just the beginning. We have written 100,000 policies for more than 4000 insurance agents across 15 states. Many of our clients enjoy greater commission by selling ancillary products, including Group Life AD&D, Long Term Disability insurance, vision, dental insurance and other individual and group benefits.

When you purchase your temporary disability insurance or temporary disability benefits from us, you unlock a whole world of discounts on additional niche wholesale insurance products your corporate and small business customers will appreciate.

Your Insurance Agency

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